Okay - this is SIMPLY AWESOME!

Here are today's stats:

Weight 192 lbs - down another 5 lbs for a total of 28 lbs
Waist 38" - down 2" more for a total of 8"
Chest (across nipples) 40" - down 2" total
Chest (under breasts) 34.5" - down 3" total
R Arm 12.25" - down 2.25" total
L Arm 12.25" - down 2.25" total
Hips 44.5" - down 2.5" more for a total 5.5"
R Thigh 25" - down 4"
L Thigh 25.25" - down 3.25"
R Above Knee 17.5" - down 1.5"
L Above Knee 18" - down 1.5"
R Calf 15" - down .5"
L Calf 15" - down 1"
Neck 13.75" - same


And... the coup de grace...

Check out these photos (tape measure shows original measurement!)


Weight 197 lbs - down 23 lbs
Waist 40" - down 6"
Chest (across nipples) 40.5" - down 1.5"
Chest (under breasts) 36.5" - down 1"
R Arm 12.5" - down 2"
L Arm 12.25" - down 2.25"
Hips 47" - down 3"
R Thigh 27" - down 2"
L Thigh 27.5" - down 1"
R Above Knee 17.5" - down 1.5"
L Above Knee 18.25" - down 1.25"
R Calf 15.25" - down .25"
L Calf 15.75" - down .25"
Neck 13.75" - same



205!!! Yipppeee! And that's with taking a one-week hiatus to have a tubal ligation. YAY ME!


New measurements:

(I didn't measure everything, because I couldn't remember what I had measured last time)

Waist 43 down 3
Chest (under breasts) 36.5 down 1
Neck 14 up .25
R Thigh 29 no change
L Thigh 29.5 up 1
Hips 49 down 1

Weight 211 down 9 (up 2 from last week) :(

Total inches lost: 3.75
Total weight lost: 9lbs

Here we go!!

I can't believe I am doing this, but I really want some help being accountable, and I think that showing the whole world where I am at will be a BIG help!! :)


Weight 220 lbs
Waist 46"
Chest (across nipples) 42"
Chest (under breasts) 37.5"
R Arm 14.5"
L Arm 14.5"
Hips 50"
R Thigh 29"
L Thigh 28.5"
R Above Knee 19"
L Above Knee 19.5"
R Calf 15.5"
L Calf 16"
Neck 13.75"


At least that's what I hope will happen... meaning that I would like to see nearly 1/3 of myself disappear. I'm going to be chronicling my weight loss here for the next 6 weeks. I've entered in the Greatest TransFORMation Contest at http://www.8867035.myo3world.com

I'll be utilizing both the FORM pills and the FIXX shake from O3 in this transformation.

Cool -- let the disappearing begin!

Stay tuned for pictures and measurements!


Woo-woot! Lovin' life! (That's a quote from my sister, Holly Sue). And it's how I feel. We are wrapping up the Princess Festival, and it has been a whirlwind, thrill-ride!
(See some highlights here.)

I am feeling really happy right now -- it's amazing to me how quickly and easily serving others lifts me up!!

Aaaahhhhh... I'm basking in it!


Moving forward -- letting what is, be and loving it how it is.

This upheaval (wait, who called it an upheaval?) has been surprisingly painless... oh my, fun? Yeah. When I've let it be, it's been fun. When I have worried about it (fruitlessly) it has been blech-y.

I'm going to reframe --- this adventure has been a hoot! I like where I live, I like what I am doing and I am creating a lot of fulfillment.

Part of my new job is doing the administrative work for this great charity (www.inourownquietway.org), and as I have delved in to the administration, I have also found that I am volunteering a lot too. For example, see the attached pictures. We are sending two 40' shipping containers of medical, education and humanitarian supplies to Kakamega, Kenya in preparation for a medical mission in November. (Orginally we were sending one container, but the donations have flooded in...YIPPEE.) And, I "brain" knew this, but now I am experiencing it and "body" knowing it -- serving others creates joy in my life.
We're also committed to benefiting everyone involved, meaning as the recipients are blessed, so are the donors and volunteers.

So, I don't know how I am going to pay anything but my mortgage, or when or how I'll get caught up with everything else financially -- but I'm trusting that I will, and putting myself out there in service. And guess what -- people are following my lead and creating more joy in their lives (including my husband and children).

I'm digging where I am at right now.


Well, as you can probably see -- the once a day didn't really happen. I can give all sorts of excuses and reasons, but it remains that it didn't happen.
I'm realizing more and more how much sadness I hold inside. I think I let my mind convince me that I have nothing to be sad about, and then I hide the sadness, deny it. Recently SO MANY people have pointed out the deep sadness that they can see. I'm wondering what's in the sadness, and how to let it go.
One of the tricks of the human mind is that it convinces us we have to have a reason for everything... I don't think that's true. There is very little power in the question "why" -- a lot more power in "what can I learn".
Take care of me first. Advice I was given almost exactly a year ago, and still struggle with. My martyr comes out strong when I hear this. "What about the kids, what about my husband?" Me first. I'm scared of that. And, I see the value. A burned out engine won't run a car. Yeah.
Looking at my lessons....


I'm noticing that I have a lot of feelings pent up inside of me -- mostly anger, sadness and fear. I'm also noticing that I don't allow myself to let those feelings flow -- I spend a lot of energy keeping them in, rather than spending very little energy letting them out.
I'm scared to feel angry - I'm scared that I'll hurt someone's feelings, or that I'll say something I want to take back.
In reality, I am scared to feel. Scared to feel anything but happiness. And I feel sad about that. :(

So, here's what is true right now - I feel scared, sad and angry. My eyes are watering, my jaw is clenching in the back near my ears, my nose is tingling and I have the thought that I don't know where to go from here...
and a yawn...

Julianna told her mom that she wants to come live with us - and Andrea called to tell me that she wants us to consider it. Jules is here now for a few days, while we decide and sort things out.
I'm not sure what will be the best for everyone - but that's what I am committed to.

I also sent out an email asking for referrals for me or Brett to get some work. Um, yeah, it's getting scary 'round here! Blah.

My right bottom rib is KILLING me today - and the thought of having this pain for another 2.5-3 months feels like a death sentence. I'm getting a good reminder of why this is the last baby for me!

The good news...? This too shall pass. :)

My moment

I made a commitment to myself to post *something* on my blog at least once a day. Ha ha - what fun.

So, in this moment I am feeling really excited about the JREF $1M Paranormal Challenge - my sister and I are going to take on the challenge. It's interesting, because I really think we can do it. I'll post more about this as we begin to practice.

I'm feeling really scared about my financial situation - lots of outflow and not much inflow. I'm really turning it over to God at this point, because I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel...

And, in this moment what I really want is to go and take a bath. Yum. Good night.


I've recently learned the power of wondering. There is a lot of creative power in the simple sound and process of 'hmmmmmmm....' Today I am wondering how I can increase my income exponentially, without an equivalent increase in my workload.
Yep, I know it's possible, and that's what I want.

Head Games

OUCH! I'm 22 weeks pregnant, and sitting here having Braxton-Hicks contractions. They are pretty regular, but on a scale of 1-10, probably only about a 3 on the pain scale. In the past I would have freaked, but I've been through this before with my last two pregnancies. So, the head game I am playing with myself is this:
Do I go get a shot of terbutaline (which I HATE) to stop the contractions, or do I just deal? Going to the hospital is a pain in the butt on SO many levels, but then these contractions are REALLY bugging me.
ACK! What's a girl to do?

p.s. - I'm not sure how to post my friends' blogs on the right hand side -- any tips? :)

Double Ovens

Yep - You get to share in my random thoughts!

I got a double wall oven in my new house, and I really like it - I like having two ovens for when I am really going to town and cooking up a storm -- HOWEVER, I really DO NOT like how high the dang thing is. I feel like I am going to burn my arms every time I reach into the oven. I'm sure it's something I'll get used to, but it sure is annoying.

I just had the realization that unless I am cooking in two ovens, I really could use the bottom oven. HA! I love my crazy mind!

Ok, not in the way you might think... as many of you know, I own The Crystal Ray. Oddly enough, I hesitate to tell some people. I make up these stories in my mind that they'll judge me, or whatever. In reality, I have had only good experiences with regards to my store ownership, my energy healing (Reiki), et al. So, I'm dropping this silly mantel of hiding. Here I am!

  • I believe in Angels (and I talk to them)
  • I believe in the healing power of crystals
  • I practice (and LOVE) Reiki
  • I know I have a purpose in this life and I am fulfilling it
  • I know I can be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints AND still have all of the above be true!
So, yeah, there it is - flapping in the wind. LOL (Ha ha - not all-inclusive. Now I am looking at it realizing how random it is... ) Whatev. :)

That's all for today!

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