Okay - this is SIMPLY AWESOME!

Here are today's stats:

Weight 192 lbs - down another 5 lbs for a total of 28 lbs
Waist 38" - down 2" more for a total of 8"
Chest (across nipples) 40" - down 2" total
Chest (under breasts) 34.5" - down 3" total
R Arm 12.25" - down 2.25" total
L Arm 12.25" - down 2.25" total
Hips 44.5" - down 2.5" more for a total 5.5"
R Thigh 25" - down 4"
L Thigh 25.25" - down 3.25"
R Above Knee 17.5" - down 1.5"
L Above Knee 18" - down 1.5"
R Calf 15" - down .5"
L Calf 15" - down 1"
Neck 13.75" - same


And... the coup de grace...

Check out these photos (tape measure shows original measurement!)



Holy crap! That is amazing!!! You look fabulous!

December 18, 2008 at 10:45 AM  

You are looking GOOD!!! Can you share some of your enthusiasm?

December 18, 2008 at 11:06 AM  

Crystal that is SO FREAKING Awesome! CONGRATS. Come be my trainer.. I need to loose like 1000 lbs.

December 18, 2008 at 4:44 PM  

You know what's really funny about it... I'm still totally fat! LOL 30 more lbs to go!! Zipppppiddeee!

December 18, 2008 at 8:18 PM  

HOLY CRAP!!! YEEEhaw!!! You're seriously looking so skinny Crys! It's unbelievable with those measuring tapes too!!!

December 19, 2008 at 11:38 AM  

Time for an update!!!

I tagged you on my blog, check it out!

January 16, 2009 at 9:48 AM  

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