
I'm noticing that I have a lot of feelings pent up inside of me -- mostly anger, sadness and fear. I'm also noticing that I don't allow myself to let those feelings flow -- I spend a lot of energy keeping them in, rather than spending very little energy letting them out.
I'm scared to feel angry - I'm scared that I'll hurt someone's feelings, or that I'll say something I want to take back.
In reality, I am scared to feel. Scared to feel anything but happiness. And I feel sad about that. :(

So, here's what is true right now - I feel scared, sad and angry. My eyes are watering, my jaw is clenching in the back near my ears, my nose is tingling and I have the thought that I don't know where to go from here...
and a yawn...


Letting out feelings is good, huh? Are you feeling OK now?

June 23, 2008 at 12:13 PM  

Im sorry you are having a hard time! You can always talk to us ya know.

June 30, 2008 at 10:19 AM  

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