Okay - I give up! This morning at 2am, I woke up to contractions. They came steadily, but weren't very painful -- however even 2 percocets weren't enough to help me sleep through them. So, finally at 5:30 I called my mom and asked her if she wanted to go for a walk with me. We went to WalMart and walked around until 8:30. By then the contractions were a little more intense, so we decided to head over to the hospital.
At the hospital the triage nurse checked me, and I was dilated to 4cm, 90% effaced and baby was at 0 station. She said "the doctor said lets wait another hour and check you again." So, an hour went by and she came back to check me. Contractions were a little worse and radiating to my back at this point. She checked me again, and I was 4+cm, 90% effaced and baby had (oddly) moved to -1 station. So, doctor said wait another hour. She checked me again that hour, and said "you are definitely changing. You are dilated to 5cm, 90% effaced and -1 station." She said that they had gotten a room ready for me, and they were just waiting for the doctor's permission to admit me. She introduced me to the L&D nurse that was assigned to me, and the L&D nurse also checked me (so she would have a baseline) and said that she would say 4+cm, 85-90% effaced and -1 station. Then she said the doctor wanted to check me himself.
About 5 minutes later the doctor came in and checked me. He said (get a load of this) that I was 3cm, 50% effaced and cervix was posterior! WHAT THE CRAP? The nurses told me after he left that he is always stingy like that. Ugh. He said he would give me one more hour and if he didn't see significant change he would send me home. Well, one more hour passed, and the L&D nurse checked me and said there was NO significant change, and she had no choice but to send me home. I was contracting every 2 minutes, with contractions at a level 6 on a 1-10 pain scale!!!
So - here I sit at home -- waiting for I don't know what before I return to the hospital. I've taken two more percocet to see if maybe I can catch some sleep, since I've been up since 2am - but it's not looking good. Also, the nurse said that Baby A has totally disengaged and is free-floating again. HUH????
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