Halloween and Stuff

So, I haven't been as sick as I was with Zachary, but I have been pretty sick. Yesterday was the worst. I was severely nauseated in the morning, and by the afternoon I had a migraine. Brett was really unsympathetic in the morning, but then felt really guilty in the afternoon. Silly boy!
My kids had a great Halloween.
They had a lot of fun dressing up. Ciana went as a vampire, Audesi as a kitty, and Zachary as a cow. Audesi wouldn't say anything but "meow" the whole time she was in costume. James took lots of pictures, and I assume he intends to share them.

At our family party Dad convinced all the men, boys and children to bob for apples in the 30 degree weather. I told him that if any of mine got sick I was sending them over to his house. lol
I really want to get a digital camera. My camcorder is great for making movies, but takes really sucky pictures. I am waiting for the day that I have an extra couple hundred dollars, though (like June, probably)..


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