
I'm not feeling very well, so I will have to make this brief.

Once, in London we were walking out of the train station, and all of sudden a door opened out of the wall and this GIANT was standing there. I screamed and it scared him. That was pretty funny. I was just thinking of that this morning for some reason. Ha ha

That reminds me of when I tried to pay the Indian guy at the convenience store with 4 cents, for something that cost one pound sixty-four cents. Oh, good memories. LOL

Ack -

Last night was probably the worst night of my life. I woke up at 2:30 in the morning and barely made it to the toilet before I puked my guts out. Then I started getting stomach cramps like you wouldn't believe. I was trying to poop to relieve the cramps, and couldn't. I was also literally going from bum to mouth at the toilet. That lasted 4 hours, until 6:30am. I ended up bringing my pillows to the bathroom and laying on the floor.
I can't believe how I forget these things that happen when I am pregnant.

Liberty gave me an awesome analogy about a homebirth -- she said it's like hiking. Having a homebirth is like hiking compared to having a hospital birth is like taking a drive through the canyon. They both get you to the same place, but one is more of an "experience". I thought that was a really great analogy. Plus, honest truth, it just feels right this time. I'm not saying that I will love it, or even that I will do it again, but I am really looking forward to trying it.

Let me tell you about the miracle drug I am using for my morning sickness. It's amazing. It's called Zofran, and it's an anti-nausea medication that they give to people with cancer on chemotherapy. It's a class A drug (which means it's totally safe for pregnancy, and doesn't cross the placenta). Without it, I would be as sick as I was with Zachary! (I know because I only get 20 pills for a 31-day period, so I have to be selective about what days to take it.)
Liberty is building a spec home in South Orem. We're pretty stoked about it. We just found out even better news, that the two homes being built around it are also specs, and ours is going to be the least expensive. YAHOO! We figure it should sell pretty easily.
I'm pretty sure Liberty is having a boy. She had her ultrasound, and didn't find out, but I watched it and it looked like I saw some "bits and pieces" - if you know what I mean. So, if it is a boy, they are going to name him Titan (Mark's choice).
Oh, this is long, so I'll beat it.

Holly Snooze

I had a dream about Holly last night. She came home just to check why people weren't writing her. She was SO mad at me, and I couldn't convince her that I REALLY had been writing her emails! Then she decided to move in with my old roommate Morgan, and I was SO ticked off. Ha ha

I am not complaining, but I have to vent this. Why does being pregnant cause so much nausea? I wish women who had no morning sickness knew how lucky they actually are. But, it's hard to appreciate something you have never experienced. Let this be my statement: Be ever so grateful if you have had the luxury of skipping morning sickness, know that you have practically gotten away with murder! You are SO lucky!

On another note, I am so excited to be preparing for a new family member. Because I feel so sick, I am inclined to think this will be a boy. Of course, only time will tell.

So, I haven't been as sick as I was with Zachary, but I have been pretty sick. Yesterday was the worst. I was severely nauseated in the morning, and by the afternoon I had a migraine. Brett was really unsympathetic in the morning, but then felt really guilty in the afternoon. Silly boy!
My kids had a great Halloween.
They had a lot of fun dressing up. Ciana went as a vampire, Audesi as a kitty, and Zachary as a cow. Audesi wouldn't say anything but "meow" the whole time she was in costume. James took lots of pictures, and I assume he intends to share them.

At our family party Dad convinced all the men, boys and children to bob for apples in the 30 degree weather. I told him that if any of mine got sick I was sending them over to his house. lol
I really want to get a digital camera. My camcorder is great for making movies, but takes really sucky pictures. I am waiting for the day that I have an extra couple hundred dollars, though (like June, probably)..

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