Is it summer yet? ACK! I have never been a winter person, and being pregnant (and thereby counting down TWO things) is making it much harder.

I almost ended up in Labor & Delivery yesterday. I was having some pains (but not labor) and the Dr. told me that if they got worse or stuck around to head up for an NST (Non-Stress Test). I waited, and almost went once, but then finally they went away. Don't know what was up, but haven't had a problem since. I rented a doppler, so I could find both heartbeats and that was very reassuring!

I asked my doctor at the last appointment if I had a "high" risk for PTL or just a "higher" risk - (two different, things, right?) His answer was "if you go into labor anytime after 34 weeks, we won't stop you." Um, HOW was that an answer to my question?

On the whole I'm okay - pretty uncomfortable, but I am sure that is to be expected. Way more stressed about this pregnancy than I ever was with previous pregnancies, and a little frustrated about that. I feel like I have been handicapped by being labeled "high-risk". BLECH!


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